Services linked to the Central Bank of the Republic of Argentina (BCRA) Reporting System
The Central Bank of the Republic of Argentina has implemented a new reporting system for natural and legal persons residing and not residing in Argentina to declare direct investments and real estate in Argentina and abroad, as applicable. (Communications “A” 4237 and “A” 4305).
The reporting parties shall submit their declarations through financial institutions, within a term not exceeding 90 calendar days, as from the reference dates, which are December 31 and June 30.
For declaration under such reporting system, BCRA has provided financial institutions with a CD application to be distributed among such parties bound to make said declaration. Therefore, any interested party may obtain such application in any of the branches of Banco de la Nación Argentina.
B.C.R.A., through its Communication “A” 3602 and supplementary communications, has ordered the implementation of a system for the survey of financial and nonfinancial private sector debt securities issuance and other external liabilities.
Such survey covers liabilities for the issuance of securities and liabilities incurred with nonresidents as of the reported date.
The financial sector shall, additionally, record information on used and unused documentary credits, contingent external liabilities resulting from secured bills and standby letters of credit, and on amounts for available and unused external credit lines.
The inclusion of debts from external credit lines and other transactions covered by Communication “B” 6912 into the system to disclose liabilities under Communication “A” 3602, and supplementary communications, will be implemented as from the December 31, 2003 statement.
The statements will relate to indebtedness by the end of each calendar quarter.
Other services
- Buying and selling of currency and foreign exchange.